On behalf of the physicians and staff here at Red Rocks Surgery Center, we would like to welcome you. The entire staff is eager to serve you, our customer, by providing you with the best care available.
To familiarize you with our procedures, we have provided this information, which explains, in brief, our services and methods. If you have any questions about what we have described herein or any suggestions as to how to improve our service to you, please contact any of our staff at your convenience. Again, welcome and thank you for choosing our facility for your health care needs. We hope the services provided meet your expectations.
Prior to the Day of Surgery
Prior to surgery, a nurse from Red Rocks Surgery Center will call you at home. The purpose of this call is to obtain a brief medical history and baseline information about your health and medication usage so that we can take better care of you or your child. This call also gives you the opportunity to ask any questions you may have.
If you or your child have orders from your physician to obtain blood tests, EKG, or other tests or exams prior to your procedure, please arrange to have them completed prior to your appointment. The purpose of pre-admission testing is to gather information before surgery about your health status. Please bring the results of the testing with you or have the results faxed to Red Rocks Surgery Center at (720) 420-3001.
Please make arrangements for transportation home from the surgery center and for a responsible adult to be with you for 24 hours after surgery.